Rolls are marked by 8:50 a.m. If a student is absent from school the parent/caregiver should ring the office 06 835 6013 option 2 and leave a message regarding the reason. If no message is left by a parent/caregiver the school will send a text before 10:00 am to indicate to home the student is absent. We ask that parents respond to this text to acknowledge it has been received. LATE STUDENTS: Students who arrive after 8.45 should go straight to the office and check in. The office will record their arrival time, reason for lateness and stamp their hand as an indication that they have checked into the office. Students arriving late should report straight to their teacher and explain the reason for their lateness. LEAVING SCHOOL DURING SCHOOL HOURS: Any child wishing to leave the school grounds during school hours will need parental permission; a written note is required where possible. PICKING UP A CHILD DURING SCHOOL HOURS: Adults wishing to pick up a student must be on the contact details list or the parent on the contact list should ring the office to give permission. We will not release any student to an adult if they are not on the contact list. Teachers will ring parents if students are late or absent often. Office Phone: 06 835 6013